Latest Past Events

Children Storytelling and Drawing Workshop

Glasgow Botanic Gardens 730 Great Western Road, Glasgow

Join Indonesian author and illustrator, Rassi Narika for a storytelling and drawing workshop on: Sunday, 2nd June 2019, 1pm - 2pm at Glasgow Botanic Gardens, Kibble Palace, South Wing, 730 Great Western Road, Glasgow G12 0UE Tickets: Free Suitable for children age 4+, materials provided - Leave your umbrellas at the door and join Rassi Narika for […]

Children Storytelling and Drawing Session

The Mitchell Library The Mitchell Library, North Street, Glasgow

Join Indonesian author and illustrator, Rassi Narika for a storytelling and drawing workshop on: Saturday, 1st June 2019, 10.30am - 11.30am at The Mitchell Library, North Street, Glasgow G3 7DN Tickets: Free Suitable for children age 3-7, materials provided - Leave your umbrellas at the door and join Rassi Narika for a storytelling session and drawing workshop, […]

When It Rains: Children Storytelling and Drawing Workshop

Waterstones Birmingham 24-26 High St, Birmingham

Join Indonesian author and illustrator, Rassi Narika for a storytelling and drawing workshop on: Friday, 31st May 2019, 1pm - 2pm at Waterstones Birmingham, 24-26 High Street, Birmingham B4 7SL Tickets: Free Suitable for children age 3-7, materials provided - Leave your umbrellas at the door and join Rassi Narika for a storytelling session and […]

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