After a century of civil strife in Rome and Italy, Virgil wrote the Aeneid to honour the emperor Augustus by praising Aeneos – Augustus’ legendary ancestor. As a patriotic epic imitating Homer, the Aeneid also set out to provide Rome with a literature equal to that of Greece. It tells of Aeneas a survivor of the sack of Troy, and of his seven-year journey: to Carthage, where he fell tragically in love with Queen Dido; then to the underworld, in the company of the Sibyl of Cumael and finally to Italy, where he founded Rome. It is a story of defeat and exile, of love and war, hailed by Tennyson as ‘the stateliest measure ever moulded by the lips of man.’
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It is 1939, Nazi Germany. The country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier and will become busier still.
By her brother’s graveside, Liesel Meminger finds her life changed when she picks up a single object, partially hidden in the snow. It is The Grave Digger’s Handbook, left there by accident, and it is her first act of book thievery. So begins a love affair with books and words, as Liesel, with the help of her accordion-playing foster father, learns to read. Soon she is stealing books from Nazi book-burnings, the mayour’s wife’s library, wherever there are books to be found.
But these are dangerous times. When Liesel’s foster family hides a Jewish man in their basement, Liesel’s world is both opened up and closed down.
In superbly crafted writing that burns with instensity, award-winning author Markus Zuzak has given us one of the most enduring stories of our time.
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This hilarious extravaganza presumes the existence of a secret society of revolutionaries sworn to destroy the world. There are seven members of the Central Anarchist Council who, for reasons of security, call themselves by the names of the days of the week — Sunday, Monday, and so on. But events soon cast a doubt upon their real identities, for Thursday (the Man Who Was Thursday) is not the passionate young poet he appears to be, but a Scotland Yard Detective. Who and what are the others? Chesterton unravels the fantasy in his own inventive and exuberant way and then uses this nightmare of paradox and surprise to probe the mysteries of human behaviour and belief.
This book is a 1962 copy.
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One gloomy Sunday afternoon, Gregoire Bouillier answers a call from a woman who left him five years before. She’s not calling to apologize but to invite him to be the “mystery guest” at a birthday party of a woman he’s never met.
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Hujan turun terus dan Kira mulai bosan. Kan jadi tidak banyak yang bisa dilakukan.
Jadi waktu Ana dan Ilo mengajaknya keluar di waktu hujan, Kira pun penasaran dengan satu pertanyaan: “Apa mungkin ada banyak cerita waktu hujan turun?”
Waktu Hujan Turun adalah kisah seorang anak perempuan bernama Kira dan petualangannya bersama teman-temannya saat hujan sedang turun. Mereka keluar dan bertemu dunia yang berbeda di saat hujan sedang turun. Kira bertemu teman-teman baru, melihat kota yang terlihat berbeda di waktu hujan, dan belajar tentang kilat (dan bahayanya), dan akhirnya menemukan kehangatan di akhir hari.
Sebuah kisah eksplorasi dan menemukan perspektif baru dalam keseharian kita. Kisah ini melihat hujan sebagai metafora tentang hal-hal yang tak menyenangkan namun menyimpan petualangan, kesenangan, dan keindahan di baliknya.
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These six stories — here presented in memorable new translations — represent Chekov’s narrative genius at the full range and power of its maturity. As masterfully constructed as his earlier stories but with far greater richness and dimension, they deal with human beings suffering the pain of existence, their lives illumined by the author’s rigorous objectivity.
The novella Ward Six, with its hauntingly symbolic depiction of the world of an insane asylum; The Duel, with its theme of moral degradation, its hint of regeneration; and A Dull Story, with its relentless depiction of a culture that corrupts and alienates … these and others present a vivid portrait of what Rufus W. Mathewson calls a “blighted” society, seen through the eyes of a writer whose understanding of “human foolishness” is without equal.
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Umbu melihat tiga babi hutan mengendap-endap di ladang jagung miliknya. Umbu segera menghalau mereka pergi. Namun, ada batu aneh milik babi hutan yang terjatuh. Batu itu terus-menerus mengeluarkan air. Kalau begini, lama-lkelamaan ladang Umbu bisa tenggelam. Apa yang harus Umbu lakukan?
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Kira always feels gloomy when it rains. She can’t read outside, can’t play in the park, and has to wear all her thickest clothes.
But one day her friends Ana and Ilo ask her to join them on an adventure outside during another downpour. Kira discovers the joy of all the things that happen outside when it rains – from the new friends she makes, to the umbrellas on the streets, to the thrill of lightning, and finally, the warmth found at the end of each rainfall.
With her delightful artwork and enchanting words, Rassi Narika spins a story of hope and discovery that will brighten even the rainiest of days.
When It Rains was originally written in Indonesian and published by Seumpama with the title, Waktu Hujan Turun.
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Tikus Musikus menyiapkan kejutan: sebuah simfoni liar gegap gempita!
Coba kau terka apa yang direncanakannya? Temukan petunjuk di balik setiap cerita!
Siapkah kamu memasuki petualangan liar? Berkelana menembus rimba hingga menyeberangi lautan dengan Tikus Musikus dan teman-teman pemusiknya! Kamu akan bertemu paus biru besar dan cheetah si pelari kilat, kumbang mungil dan angsa anggun. Masing-masing membawa suatu rahasia untukmu.
Sepanjang perjalanan kamu bisa menemukan kejutan yang ditinggalkan Tikus Musikus untukmu–lebah yang bersembunyi, huruf-huruf yang tercecer yang dapat dirangkai jadi kata, dan pesan rahasia berupa kode yang bisa kamu pecahkan.
Penulis buku terlaris dunia, Dan Brown, menciptakan buku bergambar pertamanya yang berisi pesan moral, misteri, musikal, dan sangat menghibur.
Dilengkap aplikasi gratis dan musik karya penulis.
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Woli si benang merah ingin sekali berpergian ke berbagai tempat seperti temannya, Pus si Kucing. Akan tetapi, setiap kali dia berusaha meninggalkan rumah, usahanya selalu gagal. Akankah Woli bisa melihat dunia seperti temannya, Pus?
Keinginan untuk pergi dan bertualang yang Woli miliki terasa dekat dengan kami secara pribadi. Perspektif Woli si benang wol dan keinginannya untuk melihat dunia memberikan kami perspektif baru tentang apa itu meraih mimpi dan keinginan, serta berbagai cara yang ada untuk mewujudkannya.
Woli ingin Melihat Dunia ditulis oleh Arleen A. dan diilustrasikan oleh Farina Rose.
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